5 entertaining French series to watch online for free

As you know, watching French series is an amazing way to improve your language skills while having fun. But where can you find entertaining French series that you can easily access online, and that are completely free? Find five excellent options below!

Watching series online

1. Bref.

Bref. is about a common guy living in Paris. The moments in his everyday life are brought out in an amusing way, whether it’s about him getting ready for a date, going to a job interview, or taking the metro. Enjoy two funny seasons with episodes that are less than two minutes long.

Get a taste of Bref. and watch the first episode on YouTube here. If you like it, the rest of the episodes are also available there.

2. Les carnets de Julie

Les carnets de Julie is cozy and relaxed – perfect for rainy Sunday mornings! Julie travels all over France to learn about the culture in different regions of the country with the focus on food. She cooks together with locals who share their traditional recipes with her. With this charming series you will get a tour around beautiful France while getting nice dinner ideas and improving your French. Win-win-win!

Watch the trailer here to get an idea of just how charming the series is! All episodes are available on YouTube.

3. Brut

Explainer videos, documentaries, and interviews – Brut is all of that and more! There are plenty of different topics, everything from how to live in a more sustainable way to short history lessons and interviews with French actors. Dive in, immerse yourself in the French language while, perhaps, learning something new at the same time!

Find all of Brut on YouTube here.

4. Echappées belles

Are you missing France, wishing you could travel there right now to discover a new city or a part of the country you haven’t seen before? Or perhaps revisit a place that you love? Echappées belles to the rescue! Get comfy and let this show take you on a weekend trip to Marseille, Rennes, or why not to Bretagne or Alsace to discover local delicacies. If you want to discover other places than France, there are many episodes covering other countries in Europe and the rest of the world, too!

Your guides Sophie Jovillard, Tiga, Ismaël Khelifa and Jérôme Pitorin are ready for you on Echappées belles’ YouTube channel here.

5. Loulou

In this entertaining series we get to follow the main character Loulou’s journey from finding out she is pregnant to becoming a mother. Surrounded by her three best friends, she is embarking on an adventure she wasn’t prepared for. There are two seasons out there, and the short five-minute-long episodes are perfect for when you don’t have a lot of time but need your daily dose of French.

Loulou is available on arte.tv here. If you are looking for more or for something different, the website has many other French series, movies, and documentaries to watch, so browse around and enjoy!

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